Inner Freedom Method

Life & Career

Inner Freedom Method™

Playing a big game in life requires big thoughts and big actions. We all have a purpose, self-expression, and a strong desire to look deeper into ourselves to manifest our tremendous visions.

Sometimes we get stuck because we’re not sure if we are moving in the right direction. Questions come up that create roadblocks. Will I be successful? Will I be a disappointment to others?

Do I have what it takes to fulfill my dream? Why aren’t I reaching my goals?

There are many reasons why people can get stuck on their path to success:

    • Conflicting influences (beliefs about self that don’t fit with actions).
    • Negative messages that our mind repeats (we act on what our mind tells us).
    • Environments that don’t support us (there are 9 types of environments).
    • Fatigue due to trying and not succeeding (support and a plan of action can lead to success).
    • Behaviors based on old, and unconscious, patterns and habits (create awareness and adopt new habits).

The Inner Freedom Method™ is a powerful 9-step method where you can identify negative patterns and thoughts and transform them into powerful sources of energy to fulfill your purpose to play BIG.

The Method is a sequence of transformational techniques that guide you from feeling stuck (inner resistance) to feeling free (inner freedom). The program consists of 13 one-hour sessions over a three-month period, with intermittent emails and feedback from Sharon.

Throughout the conversations, you will expand your awareness and learn to explore your journey with curiosity, creating joyful self-expression and deep confidence to create winning results.


    • By the end of the Inner Freedom Method™, you will:
    • Create new breakthroughs and actions.
    • Transform limiting beliefs that keep you stuck, into powerful new directions.
    • Understand your super strengths and how they lead to growth opportunities.
    • Perform at a higher level while bringing your heart’s desire into the real world.

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